
Back-to-school 2019

The back to school drive was a huge success!  
Every year we see families having financial difficulties especially at back-to-school time, when families are financially stressed due to all of the supplies and uniforms that need to be purchased for their children. Residents were extremely appreciative and thanked us for putting the event together. Mothers, fathers, and children expressed their gratitude for these essential supplies as they prepare their families for back-to-school time. 

Thank You to Winn management for every year donating the food, cotton candy, popcorn and drinks. Families loved this event, to say that many of them stuck around until the very end of the event. 

A huge shout out to all staff, residents and volunteers who volunteered and helped make this backpack event a huge success. We packed backpacks in less then an hour due to so many helping hands. Also to everyone who came out yesterday and helped us one way or another to make this a memorable event for families and residents.

Thank you to staff, board members, donors and volunteers so very much for making this event such a success.